Leadership Team

“And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2 NKJV

We believe God is not looking for your ability but for your availability. Our Leadership Training is a hands-on, roll-up-your-sleeves ministry opportunity that is more than an invitation—it’s discipleship training that will cause you to grow in your knowledge of God, increase your dependence on the Holy Spirit, and further the mission of Jesus. Our hope is that you will use your passion to glory Jesus within a specific area of ministry.

We consider everyone in our church fellowship as Deacons or Servants. Our Leadership Team contains men who are appointed by Pastor Tim who assist and are accountable to one another. All who serve at Calvary Chapel are under the leadership of Jesus Christ the Head of the Church.

This is not for the faint of heart, and you will be challenged in your faith. There will be suggested reading, Bible studies to attend, and ministry to participate in while following and observing the pastor’s duties. This is for godly men who may become Elders, Pastors, or Ministry Leaders.


CALLING – Acts 20:28
The Holy Spirit is the one who calls and empowers leaders within the church. The first question you need to ask of yourself is, “Am I called by God to be a servant leader in the context of this local church?” You’ll also need to make sure you are a committed Christian who loves Jesus Christ, and are on the same page with our Beliefs and Philosophy.

CHARACTER – 1 Timothy 3:8-13
When God gives gifts they are not toys to play with but tools to work with. Being humble and teachable are keystone character traits as God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. We’re looking for men who meet the qualifications of a deacon and elder set forth in 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:5-9. (We follow the Billy Graham rule (see below) to avoid any situation that would have the appearance of doing something considered morally objectionable)

COMPETENCY – 2 Timothy 2:2
Are you reliable, trustworthy, faithful, and able to disciple others? There will be internal and external indicators of faithfulness and fruitfulness in the gospel. We are looking for those who have a burning desire to please God first and foremost, and in time produce fruit through the validation of ministering to others, and who have good family lives whose spouse is supportive.


You’ll need to be in attendance as often as your schedule allows for participating in the work of the ministry. Most leaders come to help before our Sunday church services and stay to help afterwards. Throughout your time on the Leadership Team at Calvary Chapel of Fergus Falls, you will be in contact with Pastor Tim Molter and meet to discuss church issues, pray, and encourage each other to minister to God’s people.


– Complete the Volunteer Background Form (background check to be above reproach).

– Agree to the By-Laws (nonprofit legal operating manual) of Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls.

– Continue to attend the Bible studies at our Church services as often as you are able to.

– Listen / Read your Bible following a Reading Plan from cover to cover

– Pray regularly and be available to help people, pray for people, and offer counseling to people.

– Assist our Pastor Tim Molter as he can not do it all and needs godly men who are servant leaders.

–  Review our 10 Leadership Values.

– Meet about monthly as Men in restaurants, or at church building to fellowship as a team.

– Meet about quarterly in each other’s homes or at restaurants, with our spouses and children present for common fellowship.

– Keeps things discussed as confidential and does not share details with others outside the team.

– Not use, possess, distribute, sell, or purchase any illegal drug, or drug paraphernalia or abuse the use of alcohol (and we strongly recommend all leaders abstain from drinking alcohol).

– Follow the Billy Graham Rule:

Many leaders have fallen over time, including King David. In the early years of Billy Graham’s ministry he saw men fall from their leadership position and Billy didn’t want to fall into the traps, so many other evangelists did, and with his team they came up with a set of rules to be governed by while in Modesto, CA during an outreach, which came to be known as the Modesto Manifesto.

Billy Graham and his team resolved:
1. To never exaggerate attendance figures at their meetings. Guard against lying and deceit.
2. To take only a fixed salary from their organization. Guard against financial thievery.
3. To never be alone with a woman other than their wife. Guard against sexual sin.
4. To never criticize or belittle fellow members of the clergy or churches. Guard against pride.

Many in ministry have fallen over one or more of these four areas, and every time you compromise character, you compromise leadership. Therefore, we seek to live out these four principles in all of the leadership areas of our life, and that starts today. If you are going to be a part of our leadership team, you need to adhere to the Billy Graham Rule.


– Watch the 2hr documentary, A Venture in Faith – The History and Philosophy of the Calvary Chapel Movement.

– Watch the 48-min teaching message, What is a Successful Church? by Pastor Chuck Smith

– Listen/Watch/Read through the many church Growth Resources

– Attended short-term missions trips or help with our evangelic outreaches.

– Suggested book reading (which will be provided for free when you ask):

> A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by W. Phillip Keller
> Calvary Chapel Distinctives by Chuck Smith
> Charisma vs. Charismania by Chuck Smith
> Doctrines by Raul Ries
> Effective Prayer Life by Chuck Smith
> Handbook for Servants by Gale Erwin
> One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven by Mark Cahill
> The Calvary Road by Roy Hession
> The Jesus Style by Gayle Erwin
> The Man God Uses by Chuck Smith
> The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

> The Ministry of An Assisting Pastor by Larry Taylor

– You can also review our Pastor’s Picks for helpful books and resources for serving.

– Watch / Listen to Sam Allen teach Jesus From Genesis to Revelation or Listen to Chuck Smith’s Through The Bible C3000 Series.