Our Fellowship. Our Community. Our World.
If giving online:
Your gift to help people will go to work immediately. You can setup/manage your secure online donations at: ccff.flocknote.com/give
You can view/print your prior donations at: givlia.com/g/my-account
If giving in person:
Simply place cash or checks made out to “Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls” in the Tithes and Offerings box during any gathering.
Be sure to include your name and address on the check or envelope, so that a donation credit may be provided for tax purposes.
If giving by mail:
Mail your donation to:
- Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls, PO Box 263, Fergus Falls, MN 56537.
Be sure to include your name and address so that a statement may be provided for tax purposes.
If giving a match donation at work:
Ask your work’s Human Resources department and ask if they have a Charitable Contribution Matching guideline. Many companies will match an employees charitable giving to a non-profit organization. Our IRS Charitable Organization Tax ID is 46-4992124.
If giving cryptocurrency with PayPal:
We invest to help people:
1) Church Ministries in Our Fellowship
2) Local Outreach to Our Community
3) Global Outreach to Our World
“…God loves a cheerful giver” 2 Corinthians 9:6-7
Thank you for your support!
2 Corinthians 9:6–7 says, “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
Donations to Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls are 100% tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law and are used to further our mission. We thank you for your investment in God’s work! (Our IRS Religious Organization Tax ID is 46-4992124 and our MN Nonprofit Corporation Number is 742888400027)
We believe in the Biblical principle of Tithes and Offerings. A tithe is a specific amount (10% of your income) that you give first, and an offering is anything extra that you give beyond that. Giving is more of a heart issue than a financial one, and it should be done because you want to give, not because you have to give.
We promote Biblical stewardship, and therefore we don’t want to see anyone go into debt by giving, so we encourage you to review the stewardship resources below. According to Proverbs 22:7, “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.” As a church, we desire to remain debt-free as much as possible and move forward at the speed of cash and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we want to see you blessed and not stressed!
If you want to be financially healthy and be able to give and serve more (like going on a missions trip or to Israel) then it’s time to learn more about Financial Stewardship. For our church fellowship we will sponsor you for free with help that is Biblically based from:
- DaveRamsey.com – Dave Ramsey’s “The Seven Baby Steps” (PDF Download) Listen online or use the Radio Station Finder
- EveryDollar.com – Free monthly budgeting tool and phone app
- Crown.org – Crown Financial Ministries “Crown Money Map” (PDF Download) Listen online