Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14 NKJV

Kids are welcome in worship! Following worship, kids will be dismissed to head downstairs for their class. Please sign-in your kids on the clipboard near the offering box before the service begins.
We are the church that loves kids and believes they are the future of the church. Our teachers have fun helping kids learn the Bible on their level using the Answers Bible Curriculum from Answers In Genesis. We desire for all ages to be equipped to defend their faith, as they learn to apply God’s Word in their everyday lives.

Here are some helpful tips to make our time together more enjoyable. Our desire is to provide a safe and healthy environment where your child can grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
* Please NO children in the Kids Ministry area with an approved adult!
* Please be sure your child has used the restroom before church service starts.
* For the safety of your child we ask that the parent/guardian who signs a child in is the same parent/guardian who signs them out unless a prior arrangement has been made with the Kids Ministry Director.
* For the safety of your child, the child ID badge must be surrendered at the time of sign out. Sign out will not be allowed without the child ID badge.
* Please alert Kids Ministry workers to any food related allergies your child has as well as filling it out on the sign-in sheet.
* In the event that we need to contact you prior to the end of the church gathering, a Kids Ministry worker will notify you via text message on your cell phone. Please be sure your phone is on but set to silent so as not to disrupt the teaching.
If you have any questions, please contact our Kids Ministry Director.
Safety and Screening Process
Every Kids Ministry worker goes through the following screening process and must meet these requirement to serve with Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls.
Fill out a Volunteer Background Form which asks for general information, and talk to the Sr. Pastor or Children’s Ministry Director about your background information and beliefs.
With serving we require at least six months of attendance to better get to know our volunteers and learn their character and their thoughts about them working with children.
We use Protect My Ministry for the following background checks:
-National Sex Offender Search
-National Criminal Database Search
-SSN Verification and Address History
Note: No applicant is permitted to serve with children if they have ever been arrested or convicted for child abuse.
All volunteers are trained with our Kids Ministry policies to ensure safety throughout all the classrooms. This includes, but is not limited to sign-in/sign-out procedures, emergency procedures, classroom evacuations, medical procedures, health standards, reporting child abuse, and more.
Every new Kids Ministry worker serves beside an approved leader for the first few weeks.