What To Expect – Be Our Guest
Join us for a Sunday service at 10 a.m. We’re committed to making you feel welcome and at home. We understand that visiting a new church can be intimidating, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
You can connect with us right now by: Sending an email, visiting our “About Us” page, or speaking with a team member at a service. In the meantime, we’ve anticipated some of your questions and provided answers below.
Do you have something for children?
Absolutely! Our services are designed to be collaborative, with children singing alongside adults. We believe kids are the future of the church, and we want them to feel included.
For children ages 4-10, we offer a Children’s Ministry program. Simply sign in your kids on the clipboard before service, and they’ll be dismissed after our worship time.
For older children who stay in the sanctuary, we have free sermon notebooks in our lobby resource area that can help them engage with the message. We’re grateful to have your family worship with us and encourage children and youth to serve alongside us.
What will services be like?
Each week, you will experience uplifting music, an encouraging message, and friendly people. Our service begins with announcements and prayer, followed by worship songs that invite you to connect with God.
We then dismiss children to their class, while adults and older children remain for the 40-minute Bible study. We close with a song and prayer, and after the service, we invite you to stick around for refreshments downstairs.
On the first Sunday of each month, we take communion near the end of the service, which is open to everyone.
What is the message like?
When reading a book or magazine, it’s unlikely that you would start with the last chapter, jump to a random section in the middle, and then read a few sentences here and there. Instead, you would typically read it from start to finish, in order, to fully understand the content and appreciate the author’s message.
We believe that the same approach applies to understanding and applying the Bible to our lives. To truly know how to apply its teachings, we must first comprehend what the Bible actually says. Our goal is to teach all of the Word of God, providing a deeper understanding of the Bible and its application to our daily lives.
How do I get there?
Sundays @ 10:00 am – 1500 S Cascade St, Fergus Falls, MN 56537
If you’re coming from downtown, pass the Lake Region Hospital and continue on S Cascade St for half a mile towards the Prairie Wetlands.
If you’re coming from Interstate 94, take Exit 57 near the Prairie Wetlands and then take a left on S Cascade St for another half a mile.
What should I wear?
We’re way more concerned with meeting your real life needs than with what you wear to church. We make every effort to make you feel welcome from the moment you first arrive and every time you return. But so you’ll feel comfortable, know that most folks dress in casual weekend attire, and even the pastor will be wearing jeans (and probably a flannel shirt). So dress modestly and comfortable, and you’ll fit right in!
Is the facility handicapped accessible?
For those with mobility needs, we’ve reserved convenient handicap parking spots right next to the front door, leading directly into our upstairs sanctuary. Our office area bathroom is also upstairs, with plans underway to expand and enhance accessibility.
While our dining hall and children’s ministry areas are downstairs and currently accessible only by stairs, we’ve designated nearby parking spaces for your convenience. We’re committed to continuous improvement, and encourage you to reach out with questions, needs, or suggestions – we’re here to support you!
Will I be called out as a guest?
No, we’re not going to call you out, make you wave, or stand up. However, we’d like to get to know you better and encourage you to chat with people and say hi to someone during the service or afterward as we enjoy some refreshments together.
All guests are encouraged to grab the books, movies, magazines, and other items in the lobby resource area as our way of saying that we’re really glad you came. We’re excited you’re considering joining us. We can’t wait to meet you!
Do I have to give an offering?
Not at all! In fact, we don’t even pass an offering plate during our services. Instead, we provide an offering box, so people can give if they’d like, and many people use our online giving option as well. As our guest, we want you to come and get to know us, without feeling any pressure to have to give.