Prayer Request (Nov. 19, 2023)
We have seen an increase in people hungry for the Word of God and their desire to fellowship with other like-minded believers in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. In the last two years, we have grown as a church fellowship and are starting to outgrow our current space. Our Trail Life troop has been meeting off-site but will need a new location also. It is a good “problem” to have!
Because of this new situation, our church leadership team has been looking at options (add more chairs, move to two services, and look for a larger place where we could meet) and how we could utilize the space we have until then. We have been in prayer over this direction and recently shared the news with our church fellowship (here is a link to the video announcement:
Our desire is to please the Lord and use everything we have for His glory. We ask for your prayers for us! This happens to be year ten since we planted a Calvary Chapel.
Your servant in Jesus
Pastor Tim Molter

Facilities Update (Dec. 10th and Dec. 17th 2023)
Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls began in 2013 as an outreach of Calvary Chapel Chico in California. Our first gatherings were held in a home on Grotto Lake (Adams Park) with several adults, and after a year, our first services were held in the community room of the YMCA in 2014 with about a dozen adults.
Since then, our congregation has grown, and we continue to see people come to Christ on such a regular basis, we find ourselves needing to look more aggressively for a more suitable facility; one that could address the growing concerns we were now praying regularly about while expanding our ministry potential.
We recently shared about a vacant church building (1500 S Cascade St, Fergus Falls, MN 56537) and asked for your prayers (here is a link to the video announcement:
Various buildings have been looked at, prayed about, and we now look to purchase the vacant church building (1500 S Cascade St, Fergus Falls, MN 56537) and ask for your prayers (here is a link to the video announcement:
Your servant in Jesus
Pastor Tim Molter

Facilities Update (Dec 21st, 2023)
Thank you, Men’s Ministry, for your help with setting up the chairs for the growing church sanctuary!! This was much needed before our Christmas Services.

Facilities Update (Jan 15, 2024)
We want God’s best for Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls, so at this point, we are asking you to pray with us. We recently announced that we signed a purchase agreement to obtain the vacant church building (1500 S Cascade St, Fergus Falls, MN 56537) and had a good response (here is a link to the video announcement:
We are planning through what phases we could do in the future as we focus on the first phase of updating the sanctuary, and a second phase with updating the roof. Ten years of maintaining a low overhead has enabled us to keep our ministry focused on people, and we have no desire or plans to spend our time together focusing on fundraising for facilities. However, we do realize that the best way to maintain a low overhead is to pay cash for updates as we go. To that end, if you have the ability and the desire to contribute beyond any tithes and offerings God has enabled and prompted you to give in the past, we ask you to pray about giving and for God’s provision financially for us.
We know there is a spiritual battle taking place, and we ask for your daily prayers. We plan on providing more updates as we move forward with the process. Furthermore, we encourage you to learn more about The Vision, The Plan, and our Daily Prayer Request below.
Your servant in Jesus
Pastor Tim Molter

Volunteer at New Building and Update (January 25th and 27th)
Many of you have asked how you can help with the new church building (1500 S Cascade St, Fergus Falls, MN 56537). To give you an update, we are confirmed for closing this next Tuesday and appreciate your continued prayers.
Thank you to everyone who helped on such short notice with helping to move the pews downstairs on Jan. 27th. You guys are amazing and so appreciated! We will let everyone know the next work day for carpet removal after closing on Tuesday. Hopefully we can get the painting, new lightning, and carpet done soon in the sanctuary. Thank you again for your prayers and support!
Your servant in Jesus
Pastor Tim Molter

Update on New Building (Jan. 30th and Feb. 3rd)
Hello Church Family,
We closed on the new church building (1500 S Cascade St, Fergus Falls, MN 56537) on Jan. 30th, 2024 and are now the legal owners. Thank you for your continued prayers. Painting has been scheduled to be started soon, new lights have been ordered, and carpeting will happen around Feb 12th. We love you guys!
Thank you to the men who came and helped with removing the carpet, padding, and items on the front stage on Feb. 3rd. And thanks to those who helped with taking trips to the landfill and to everyone who has helped with the project. Lastly thank you for your support and prayers!
Your servant in Jesus
Pastor Tim Molter

Update on New Building (Feb. 14th)
Please keep praying as painting, lighting, and carpeting is being done. Thank you!

Update on the new building – February 24th, 2024
Thank you church family for all your help on our workday at the new church building (1500 S Cascade St, Fergus Falls, MN 56537). We were able to move the pews back into the sanctuary and do some cleaning and organizing. And with the weather outside being so nice, we pulled weeds, and then edges/trimmed around the lawn. Our plan is to start meeting at the new building the first Sunday of March and will keep everyone posted. Thank you everyone for your support and prayers!

Calvary Chapel celebrates move for growing Congregation (March 3rd, 2024)
The members of the Calvary Chapel started their gatherings eleven years ago as a home Bible study, then meeting at the YMCA, where Anytime Fitness was located, and now they have moved into where Church of Peace Methodist building was located (1500 S Cascade St).
For months, the non-denominational, Christianity-based congregation had been working on obtaining the church building while planning to remodel the existing sanctuary. In late January, they closed on the church building and finished all the sanctuary remodeling a few weeks later.

On March 3rd the congregation had their first service and Pastor Tim Molter said “We had a wonderful service and the acoustics during worship brought out everyone’s voice, it was a beautiful experience. Our hope is continuing our mission to help people know Jesus and His love for them, help people in the community, and teach through the Bible.”
The congregation saw growth after COVID-19 and had several events including livestream conference with Pastor Jack Hibbs and also meet with many people at the movie theater after the showing of the Jesus Revolution movie. The church meets at 10am on Sundays and are thankful for the warm welcome from their new neighbors.
Thank you JESUS!! We praise the Lord! We had a packed house and ran out of parking already. I'm humbled by the work the Lord is doing. All glory to God! ?✝️?? @CCFergusFalls
— Tim Molter ? (@TimothyMolter) March 4, 2024
Now meeting at our new location. Remember that the goal is not to fill the building with people, but to fill people with Jesus & His Word.
1500 S Cascade St, Fergus Falls, MN 56537

A home of our own (an end to our wilderness period) with all the comforts of home, including:
• On-site parking, comfortable seating,
• Safe and secure classroom for our children,
• A place to eat and fellowship together,
• Modern, working, heating, air conditioning, restrooms,
• Great sound, including a system for those with hearing loss.
• Office, bookstore, copier, and resource materials in one location and available to the entire body and our guests before and after every service.
• A place for daily corporate Bible study, fellowship, communion, prayer, and praise.
• A base for evangelism through concerts, movies, VBS, etc.
• Anything and everything else The Lord has in mind for us.
Read Exodus 35:4-35 and Exodus 36:1-8. Lacking any definitive commands concerning facilities in Scripture, we look to Biblical principles that will apply and examples of successful building projects we can follow.
• The project before us began with God, not man.
• The leaders were instructed to build.
• The congregation was gathered together and given clear instructions concerning their opportunity to participate.
• Their offerings were gifts and freewill offerings unto the Lord (Exodus 35:5, 29) and while all were made aware, no one gave by compulsion (2 Corinthians 9:7).
• Only those whose hearts were willing (Exodus 35:5, 22, 29), whose hearts were stirred (Exodus 35:21, 36:2) took part in providing for and participating in the building.
• Responses varied based on God’s provision and direction. Some participated financially (Exodus 35:5), while others brought needed materials (Exodus 35:6-9, 21-24), and still others offered their various skills and talents (Exodus 35:10,26, 36:31-35).
• Finally, they had to be restrained from bringing (my favorite part), for the material they had was sufficient for all the work to be done-indeed too much (Exodus 36:6-7).
Note: The tabernacle was erected, or birthed, and nine months after it was conceived, it was completed for daily use. The tabernacle points us to Jesus, who tabernacled among us – see John 1:14
• That we would be good witnesses and that God would be glorified in all our conversations and negotiations with the owners, neighbors, lawyers, loan managers, city planners, building department administrators, etc.
• That those in positions of leadership would be directed and empowered by our Lord as we pray, plan and prepare for the ministries we’re engaged in presently, as well as the increased opportunities this move will bring us.
• That all those serving would continue to do so willingly and joyfully, and that God would add daily to our number those who share our vision to serve as He served
• Finally, that God would continue to move on hearts to give willingly, generously, and cheerfully, and that we would end up needing to restrain people from giving as they did in Exodus 36
The Church Leadership Team is available to answer questions, address concerns, and pray for any of your needs at the Sunday morning services. Keep Praying!
Pastor Tim Molter
1500 S Cascade St, Fergus Falls, MN 56537