Book: Strengthening Your Marriage by Wayne Mack

SYMbyWayneMack God  designed marriage to be a relationship of deep unity and strength. Despite the challenges that couples face today, having harmony in marriage is not be considered an impossible ideal. Wayne A. Mack recognizes the challenges before us, and shows us how to meet those challenges with growing success.

Mack’s biblically-based approach to marriage offers practical insights on God’s design for marriage, marital roles (his and hers), communication (conflict management skills), finances (budgeting), sex (oneness and intimacy), child rearing (parenting), family worship (discipleship), and more.

This book is a guide for husbands and wives or those engaged to be married soon and is intended for couples to complete together. This book offers true hope and help where couples need it most. Also at Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls we also use this book for our Premarital Classes, and highly recommend it.

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Book: The 5 Love Languages (The Secret to Love That Lasts) by Gary Chapman

thefivelovelanguagesbookFalling in love is easy, but staying in love – now that’s the challenge in marriage! So, how can you keep your relationship fresh and growing with all of the demands and conflicts of everyday life? In the book ‘The 5 Love Languages’, you’ll discover an approach to showing and receiving love that will help you experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your spouse. Also at the end of the book is a quiz you and your spouse can take to help you figure out their love language.

Marriages may be made in heaven, but they must be nurtured here on earth. The ‘5 Love Languages’ explains how people communicate love in different ways, and shares the wonderful things that happen when a husband and wife learn to speak each other’s language. Chapters are categorized by love language (Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch) and each one ends with simple steps to express a specific language to your spouse and guide your marriage in the right direction. This book is a wonderful investment for your marriage and your family!

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Book: Through the Bible in One Year (A 52-Lesson Introduction to the 66 Books of the Bible) by Alan B. Stringfellow


For more than three decades, Through the Bible in One Year has brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Alan B. Stringfellow takes the reader completely through the Bible, book by book, this is a learning tool that spells out the progressive, step-by-step revelation of God’s will, shows how it has become manifest over the centuries, and explains how it affects believers’ lives today. With each study, the you will learn…

  • How to identify major themes in each book of the Bible
  • How to memorize key Scriptures
  • How to recognize God’s central messages
  • How each book came into being and the role it plays in the Bible story

By embarking on this yearlong journey, you will see the Bible unfold as a beautiful, divinely inspired true story, with a beginning, a middle, and an end yet to come. And by embracing its themes and truths, they will be better prepared to meet life’s daily challenges.

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Book: One Heartbeat Away (Your Journey Into Eternity) by Mark Cahill

OneHeartbeatAwayThis book is based on actual conversations with lost people, and will help you anticipate their questions and objections. Why have atheists, agnostics, Muslims, Catholics, prisoners, and soldiers all read One Heartbeat Away and become born again? As best-selling author Mark Cahill suggests, because once you know the truth about the Bible, creation vs. evolution, heaven and hell, sin, and the cross, there is only one logical decision to make. The truth does set you free! Get this book into the hands of family, friends, and strangers and watch the Holy Spirit work wonders in their lives.

This book provides answers to that question as well as to the following:

Can you prove there is a God?
Doesn’t evolution disprove the existence of God?
Can you prove the Bible true?
What is out there after I die?

All of this information is laid out in a reader-friendly style, and even though this book is written to address the issues of sharing truth with the non-believer, it is also good for those of you who want to be armed with answers to the questions you know you’re going to get when you are out there sharing and witnessing. You can now have the ammunition to answer their questions, with strong evidence and clear conclusions. Enjoy reading and sharing it with others!

If you are sincerely seeking and searching for the truth about life, you can get this book for free:

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