Book of Ephesians Ephesians 3:1-21 “God’s Mystery Revealed” July 17, 2016 Bible Text: Ephesians 3:1-21 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Ephesians | Ephesians 3:1-21 “God’s Mystery Revealed” 1. The Mystery Revealed 2. Purpose of the Mystery 3. Appreciation… PausePlay% buffered00:0000:00UnmuteMuteDisable captionsEnable captionsSettingsCaptionsDisabledQuality0SpeedNormalCaptionsGo back to previous menuQualityGo back to previous menuSpeedGo back to previous menu0.5×0.75×Normal1.25×1.5×1.75×2×4×PIPExit fullscreenEnter fullscreenPlay