Bible Text: James 5:7-20 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of James | James 5:7-20 “How to be Patient and Pray” 1. Patience with confidence in God (v.7-12) 2.…
Bible Text: James 4:13-5:6 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of James | James 4:13-5:6 “How to Handle God’s Money” 1. Your life and plans belong to God (4:13-16)…
Bible Text: James 4:1-12 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of James | James 4:1-12 “How to End Wars and Advance” 1. Stop loving the stuff of the world…
Bible Text: James 3:13-18 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of James | James 3:13-18 “How to Get and Grow in Wisdom” 1. Our lives reflect the wisdom we…
Bible Text: James 3:1-12 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of James | James 3:1-12 “How to Tame the Tongue” 1. Power to Direct (v.1–4) 2. Power to Destroy…
Bible Text: James 2:14-26 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of James | James 2:14-26 “How To Have Faith That Works” 1. Our faith must be more than words…
Bible Text: James 2:1-13 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of James | James 2:1-13 “How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” 1. Reject the influence of public opinion…
Bible Text: James 1:19-27 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of James | James 1:19-27 “How to Live Out God’s Word” 1. Receive the Word (v.19–21) 2. Practice the…
Bible Text: James 1:12-18 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of James | James 1:12-18 “How to Overcome Temptation” 1. Consider God’s Blessing (v.12) 2. Consider God’s Judgment (v.13–16)…
Bible Text: James 1:1-11 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of James | James 1:1-11 “How to Handle Trials” 1. Count—With a Joyful Attitude (v.1-2) 2. Know—With an Understanding…