If you are Christian who claims to live by the principles of God’s Word, you should read this book. All too often, professing Christians act as if certain biblical principles are somehow suspended during election season. This should not be the case.
In Before You Vote, David Platt urges every Christian to ask seven critical questions before casting a ballot. These questions are based on biblical truths, not political talking points. As a pastor of a church in our nation’s capital, Platt’s message is non-partisan, practically helpful, and biblically-saturated.
Our current political climate presents unique challenges for Christians, particularly in an election season. Some Christians know exactly how they’ll vote and can’t imagine why any Christian would vote differently. Other Christians struggle with how to vote, or even whether to vote. In the end, elections in our country tend to be a time of confusion and disunity among many Christians.
His seven questions are:
1. Does God call me to vote?
2. Who has my heart?
3. What does my neighbor need?
4. What is the Christian position?
5. How do I weigh the issues?
6. Am I eager to maintain unity in the church?
7. So how do I vote?
This book will help you exercise your vote with humble conviction in a way that magnifies Christ, maintain unity in the church, and seek the good of all people. It’s a privilege we have to vote on how we’re led, how laws are made, and how people are cared for according to those laws. Remember this is not just an opportunity from God; we have a level of accountability before God and this is a grace God’s given us.
Let’s pray, vote, and stand for Biblical values and Biblical truth!
How to get this resource:
- See if the book is available from your local library – It’s free (Minnesota Viking Library System)
- Before You Vote (Radical) at: https://store.radical.net/product/new-before-you-vote/
- Before You Vote (LifeWay) at: https://www.lifeway.com/en/product/before-you-vote-P008014096
- Before You Vote (Amazon) at: https://www.amazon.com/Before-You-Vote-Questions-Christian/dp/1734952237