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BOOK OUTLINE (from Revelation 1:19): I. THE THINGS WHICH YOU HAVE SEEN (Ch.1) — A. John’s vision of the exalted Christ—Ch.1 II. THE THINGS WHICH ARE (Ch.2-3) — A. The messages to the seven churches—Ch.2-3 | III. THE THINGS WHICH WILL TAKE PLACE AFTER THIS (Ch.4-22) — A. The throne in heaven—Ch.4-5 — B. The tribulation on earth—Ch.6-19 ——- 1. The first half—Ch.6-9 ——- 2. The middle—Ch.10-14 ——- 3. The last half—Ch.15-19 — C. The kingdom of Christ—Ch.20 — D. The new heavens and earth—Ch.21-22 |
Note takers: View and download all of the Bible Study Worksheets for the book of Revelation
Bible Text: Revelation 22:12-21 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Revelation | Revelation 22:12-21 - Heaven -- Jesus is Coming Soon 1. The Reward of Heaven with Jesus…