The Western world is in a crisis of discarded honor, dubious integrity, and faux manliness. It is time to recover what we have lost. Stephen Mansfield shows us the way. Working with timeless maxims and stirring examples of manhood from ages past, Mansfield issues a trumpet-call of manliness fit for our times.
In Mansfield’s Book of Manly Men, you’ll see that: Manliness is not about physical strength but about knowing the deeds that comprise manhood and doing those deeds. Habits have to be formed, and actions have to be aligned with the grace received. Masculinity is a discipline that requires cultivation.
Mansfield offers 30 revolutionaries, inventors, soldiers, philosophers, preachers, and adventurers by sharing their stories, challenges, and triumphs as key lessons that reveal how to grow into a godly man—in work, play, faith, family, and more. A humorous must-read for men of all ages. Mansfield says: “My goal in this book is simple, I want to identify what a genuine man does, the virtues, the habits, the disciplines, the duties, the actions of true manhood, and then call men to do it.”
Dave Ramsey, New York Times best-selling author and nationally syndicated radio show host says: “I’m sick to death of seeing men portrayed as bumbling morons in movies and TV commercials. We’re living in a culture that tries to make masculinity a punch line, and it’s having a devastating effect on our families and society. In Mansfield’s Book of Manly Men, Stephen takes the bold, potentially offensive step of calling men to be men again. It’s about time!”
How to get this resource:
- See if the book is available from your local library – It’s free (Minnesota Viking Library System)
- Mansfield’s Book of Manly Men (HarperCollins) at: http://www.mansfieldsbookofmanlymen.com/
- Mansfield’s Book of Manly Men (Christian Book) at: https://www.christianbook.com/mansfields-utterly-invigorating-guide-being-masculine/stephen-mansfield/9781595553737/pd/553737
- Mansfield’s Book of Manly Men (Amazon) at: https://www.amazon.com/Mansfields-Book-Manly-Men-Invigorating/dp/1595553738
- Mansfield’s Book of Manly Men (Walmart) at: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Mansfield-s-Book-of-Manly-Men-An-Utterly-Invigorating-Guide-to-Being-Your-Most-Masculine-Self-Hardcover-9781595553737/23779528