120 1/2 W Cavour Ave, Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Prayer Request (Jan. 17, 2021)

We have seen an increase of people hungry for the Word of God and their desire to fellowship with other like-minded believers in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. In the last six months we have doubled in size as a church fellowship and have quickly outgrown our capacity limits at the YMCA. It is a good “problem” to have!
Because of this new situation our church leadership team has been looking all over town for a larger place where we could meet, and we believe we have found a place. We have been in prayer over this direction and recently shared the news with our church fellowship, (here is a link to the video announcement) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGHuY4Ecy04
At this point we are working with our city and the owner of the building at 120 1/2 West Cavour Avenue to keep moving forward. Some repairs found from an inspection report have been resolved by the owner, and we have also made a soft offer on the building. Our desire is to please the Lord and use everything we have for His glory. We ask for your prayers for us! This happens to be year eight since we planted a Calvary Chapel.
Facilities Update (Feb. 7th, 2021)
Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls began in 2013 as an outreach of Calvary Chapel Chico in California. Our first gatherings were held in a home on Grotto Lake (Adams Park) with several adults and after a year our first services were held in the community room of the YMCA in 2014 with about a dozen adults.
Since then our congregation has grown and those attending our Sunday morning services have noticed we are now over capacity for the room during Covid-19 and the government restrictions. We continue to see people come to Christ on such a regular basis we find ourselves needing to look more aggressively for a more suitable facility; one that could address the growing concerns we were now praying regularly about while expanding our ministry potential.
Various buildings have been looked at, prayed about, and in some cases negotiations entered into without success. Most recently we were approached about the possibility of purchasing a vacant gym (Anytime Fitness) in central Fergus Falls in the City Center shopping area.
We want God’s best for Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls so at this point we are asking you to pray with us. First and foremost pray for our interaction with all parties concerned that we would rightly represent our LORD JESUS so if this turns out not to be the place for us, we don’t miss the opportunity to share Him and His plan for them.
Pray that we can come to terms with the owners. Pray for God’s provision financially. Pray that the City of Fergus Falls will look on us with favor and grant us the necessary use and occupancy permits.
We are planing through what phases we could do in the future if we need to move to the building immediately as well. Eight years of maintaining a low overhead has enabled us to keep our ministry focus on people, and we have no desire or plans to spend our time together focusing on fundraising for facilities.
However, we do realize that the best way to maintain a low overhead is to make a large down payment or better yet to pay cash and avoid a payment altogether. To that end if you have the ability and the desire to contribute beyond any tithes and offerings God has enabled and prompted you to give in the past, now is the time to act.
Your servant in Jesus
Pastor Tim Molter
Facilities Update (March 1st, 2021)

The city attorney who is working on the purchase agreement informed us that the process of dividing the parcel could take a month or more. This is not the information we were all hoping to hear. But let’s back up a step. We are continually amazed by the sovereignty of our Lord. He knew our fellowship needed to go through the book of Daniel together last Autumn to prepare our hearts to be bold in our faith in the face of opposing government authorities.
Now He has us studying the deliverance of the Hebrews in Exodus. Just as we are desiring our own deliverance out of the YMCA and into our “promised land” building, God is reminding us that it is a process. We still have a few plagues to get through first! More importantly, God desires that we would value Him more than desiring this building; that we would worship Him in whatever setting or circumstances we find ourselves in and guard our hearts from making this building into an idol. For the month of March we’ll continue meeting at the YMCA at 10am on Sundays, however we were able to get the capacity for our group increased and will have about 50 chairs for our Church Services. We rest in knowing the Lord is still in control and will continue to work all things together for our good.
Facilities Update (May 1st, 2021)

It’s interesting we find ourselves going through the book of Exodus while we work on obtaining a building of our own. Many of us would like to be completely moved in by now but, like the children of Israel, we are learning patience. There have been some delays with the legal process for us to complete the purchase the building by the end of April, so our leadership team has wisely agreed to hit the pause button before we do any construction or painting. We are thankful for the owners allowing us to have a clean up day and a key to the building as well. This also will give the owners some more time to remove all of the mirrors from the premises, which has been more difficult than expected.
We are now in the wilderness wandering period, and just as the Hebrews had to depend upon the Lord for direction when the pillar of cloud moved, we too are trusting in God’s timing. We have tried to be as proactive as we can and have received quotes for almost all of the work needed to be done so we should be ready to move forward with everything once the legal process is completed. For now, we’ll continue to meet at the YMCA until it is safe for us to meet in the future building.
We know there is a spiritual battle taking place and ask for your daily prayers. We plan on providing more updates as we move forward with the process. We encourage you to learn more about The Vision, The Plan, and our Daily Prayer Request below.
– The Leadership Team: Tim Molter, Wayne Carlson, Jesse Tomford, and Carey Carpenter
Facilities Update (May 27th, 2021)

We are waiting for the delays with the legal process to be completed so we can finish the purchase the building in early June. The lawyer of the owners drafted the amended association documents for their properties and we are waiting on a signature from one of the unit owners to agree to subdividing the parcel next to them. We are also waiting on the surveyor to circulate the parcel survey for the necessary approvals so everything can be recorded. Then we will also need approval by City of Fergus Falls of the amended CIC (Common Interest Community) plat subdividing the Real Property into two units and the next City Council meeting is on June 7th, 2021. We continue to be in holding pattern.
Update (June 1st, 2021)
We signed the Purchase Agreement on May 28th and all of the needed signatures have been obtained. The City attorney will be providing the land surveyor with the documents needed to recorded the plat together with the real estate taxes. We are now working with the Title company for closing in the next 30 days (or sooner if the Lord wills). Thank you for your prayers!
Pastor Tim Molter
Facilities Update (June 26th, 2021)

Things are moving forward with the building at 120 1/2 W Cavour Ave. We have chairs for the sanctuary seating area and fellowship eating area coming Monday (6/28). We are also looking at a closing date of July 1st and should also have a new church sign on the building around then too.
We are hoping the construction work can be started soon and once completed we can then paint. After the Fourth of July community church service, we will probably be back at the YMCA until the construction work and painting is completed. but we will communicate via email and social media if we are at the YMCA or at the new place, so stay tuned.
We know there is a spiritual battle taking place and ask for your continued prayers. Thank you for your patience in this process.
Pastor Tim Molter
Facilities Update (July 1st, 2021)

Hello Church Family,
Closing on the building happened today…
(here is a link to the video announcement) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRSi36VFbyE
So, Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls now owns the building at 120 1/2 W. Cavour Ave. for which we can use to reach more people with the gospel of Jesus and disciple with the Word of God.
Thank you for your prayers and support. I’m amazed and blessed by the Lord and each of you!
– Pastor Tim Molter & the Leadership Team: Wayne Carlson, Jesse Tomford, and Carey Carpenter
Construction Update (July 9th, 2021)
Please continue to pray with us as construction is being done. Thanks everyone for your patience and generous support!!!

Construction Update (July 16th, 2021)
Please continue to pray with us as construction is being done. Thanks everyone for your patience and We are planning on having a work day this Sat. July 17th at the 120 1/2 W. Cavour Ave. building at 1pm. We’ll need help setting up chairs, tables, cleaning, and more.

Building Update (July 18th, 2021)
Now meeting at our new location. Remember that the goal is not to fill the building with people, but to fill people with Jesus & His Word.

Letter to the Editor (July 19th, 2021)
Church says Thanks to Fergus Falls YMCA
As we at Calvary Chapel move into our new location for church services (120 1/2 W Cavour Ave, next to Domino’s Pizza), we would like to say a heartfelt “thank you” to the YMCA for hosting us over the last 7 years on Sunday mornings.The staff members there have been very friendly and accommodating to us. Director Eric Price has been great to work with and Staff Member Joyce Bjorklund has been a delight to work with as she is always welcoming and helpful.
The Fergus Falls Area Family YMCA has provided us with an excellent location to meet, and they were very willing to work with us on special requests.If you’re considering hosting an event regularly, or even just a one-time event, we would highly recommend that you look into booking an event at the YMCA as much of the facility can be rented by groups and families for private parties and for community events. To all the staff at the YMCA we say thank you for hosting us!
Pastor Tim Molter and the Calvary Chapel Leadership Team
New Building Update (Aug. 1st, 2021)
As we gather at 120 1/2 West Cavour Ave. we have some minor renovations still in progress, so please continue to bear with us as we make this place our own. The back-door steps for safety have been completed, and we also have a security system in place. The kitchen project is underway with cabinets, sink, and countertop going in soon. We are excited to have a place to cook and store all the kitchen items. Thank you again for your patience in this process.

Building Dedication Service (Sept. 10th, 2021)
Calvary Chapel Fargo leads us in worship and Pastor Seth Wetter brings us the message for our Building Dedication Service. Pastor Chik Chikeles from Calvary Chapel Saint Paul joins Seth to pray over Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls and our Pastor Tim Molter. What a blessed time together and to God be the glory!
You can watch the Worship Service and Message at: https://youtu.be/RZtReabsHQE (Click here to view the “Worship Service Song Lyrics”)
Building Dedication – Worship & Message on 09-10-2021 (1 Chron. 16:7-36, Acts 15:15-18, Rev. 2:2-3)
You can watch the Message at: https://youtu.be/7KjjRAr2vG4
Building Dedication – Message on 09-10-2021 (1 Chronicles 16:7-36, Acts 15:15-18, Revelation 2:2-3)
Calvary Chapel celebrates move as a Church (Sept. 16th, 2021)
The members of the Calvary Chapel started their gatherings eight years ago as a home Bible study and seven years ago with then meeting at the YMCA. The congregation recently celebrated the grand opening where Anytime Fitness was located in central Fergus Falls in the City Center shopping area next to Domino’s Pizza.
Pastor Tim Molter said, “We continue to see people come to Christ on such a regular basis, we found ourselves needing to look more aggressively for a more suitable facility; one that could address the growing concerns.”
For seven months, the non-denominational, Christianity-based congregation had been working on obtaining the location while planning the remodel to the existing structure. In July, they closed on the building and finished all the major remodeling a few weeks later.
On September 10th the congregation had a Building Dedication and Molter said “The YMCA was a great place for us, but we are so thankful of our own space, and look forward to continuing our mission to help people know Jesus and His love for them, help people in the community, and teach through the Bible.”
Molter, originally from Fergus Falls, said the location is also special because many people have shared their good memories of being with family and friends where Tomacelli’s Pizza was and that people are excited that the church can continue to foster that environment to build relationships.
Molter said “We teach the Bible verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book, and our desire is that people learn more about God through studying the Bible, and find hope, peace, and forgiveness in Christ”. The congregation meets at 10am on Sundays and also provides a livestream option online.
(Left – Pastor Seth Wetter from Calvary Chapel Fargo, Center – Pastor Tim Molter at Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls, Right- Pastor Chik Chikeles from Calvary Chapel Saint Paul pray at the church building dedication service)

A home of our own (an end to our wilderness period) with all the comforts of home including:
• On-site parking, comfortable seating,
• Safe and secure classroom for our children,
• A place to eat and fellowship together (without time limits),
• Modern, working, heating, air conditioning, restrooms,
• Great sound, including a system for those with hearing loss.
• Office, bookstore, copier, and resource materials in one location and available to the entire body and our guests before and after every service.
• A place for daily corporate Bible study, fellowship, communion, prayer, and praise.
• A base for evangelism through concerts, movies, VBS, etc.
• Anything and everything else The Lord has in mind for us.

Read Exodus 35:4-35 and Exodus 36:1-8. Lacking any definitive commands concerning facilities in Scripture we look to Biblical principles that will apply and examples of successful building projects we can follow.
• The project before us began with God not man.
• The leaders were instructed to build.
• The congregation was gathered together and given clear instruction concerning their opportunity to participate.
• Their offerings were gifts and freewill offerings unto the Lord (Exodus 35:5, 29) and while all were made aware no one gave by compulsion (2 Corinthians 9:7).
• Only those whose hearts were willing (Exodus 35:5, 22, 29), whose hearts were stirred (Exodus 35:21, 36:2) took part in providing for and participating in the building.
• Responses varied based on God’s provision and direction. Some participated financially (Exodus 35:5), while others brought needed materials (Exodus 35:6-9, 21-24), and still others offered their various skills and talents (Exodus 35:10,26, 36:31-35).
• Finally they had to be restrained from bringing (my favorite part), for the material they had was sufficient for all the work to be done-indeed too much (Exodus 36:6-7).
Note: The tabernacle was erected, or birthed, and nine months after it was conceived it was completed for daily use. The tabernacle points us to Jesus who tabernacled among us – see John 1:14
• That we would be good witnesses and that God would be glorified in all our conversations and negotiations with the owners, neighbors, lawyers, loan managers, city planners, building department administrators, etc.
• That those in positions of leadership would be directed and empowered by our Lord as we pray, plan and prepare for the ministries we’re engaged in presently as well as the increased opportunities the move will bring us.
• That all those serving would continue to do so willingly and joyfully and that God would add daily to our number those who share our vision to serve as He served
• Finally that God would continue to move on hearts to give willingly, generously, and cheerfully and that we would end up needing to restrain people from giving as they did in Exodus 36
The Church Leadership Team is available to answer questions, address concerns, and pray for any of your needs at the Sunday morning services. We are planing through what phases we could do in the future if we need to move to the building immediately as well (Phase One could be to build stairs for a back exit and meet in the open space with seating facing away from the front door, Phase two could be to framed the entry wall for Sanctuary and wall for the Nursing Room, and maybe rotate our seating area to face towards the parking lot, and Phase three could be to convert the third bathroom to a basic kitchen). Keep Praying!
Pastor Tim Molter
120 1/2 W Cavour Ave, Fergus Falls, MN 56537