Bible Text: Exodus 28 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Exodus | Exodus 28 “The Priesthood and a Better One” 1. Garments for the Priesthood (v.1-4) 2. The…
Bible Text: Exodus 27 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Exodus | Exodus 27 “Court of the Tabernacle” 1. The Altar of Burnt Offering (V.1-8) 2. The Court…
Bible Text: Exodus 26 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Exodus | Exodus 26 “My Anchor Holds Within the Veil” 1. Angels and Praising God (v.1-6) 2. Animal…
Bible Text: Exodus 25:10-40 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Exodus | Exodus 25:10 – 40 “Inside the Tabernacle” 1. The Ark of the Covenant (v.10-22) 2. The…
Bible Text: Exodus 24:1-25:9 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Exodus | Exodus 24:1 – 25:9 “Fellowship with God” 1. Israel Affirms the Covenant (24:1-8) 2. On the…
Bible Text: Exodus 23 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Exodus | Exodus 23 “Laws of Justice and Mercy” 1. Justice for all and no bribes (v.1-9) 2.…
Bible Text: Exodus 22 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Exodus | Exodus 22 “Laws to Direct Judges” – Part Two 1. Judgement on theft and restitution (v.1-15)…
Bible Text: Exodus 21 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Exodus | Exodus 21 “Laws to Direct Judges” 1. The law concerning servants (v.1-11) 2. The law concerning…
Bible Text: Exodus 20 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Exodus | Exodus 20 “The Ten Commandments” 1. No other God’s (v.1-3) 2. No false God’s (v.4-6) 3.…
Bible Text: Exodus 19 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Exodus | Exodus 19 “Israel at Mt. Sinai” 1. Israel carried on wings of an Eagle (v.1-9) 2.…
Bible Text: Exodus 18 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Exodus | Exodus 18 “Advice to Avoid Burnout” 1. A family reunion and testimony of God’s deliverance (v.1-12)…
Bible Text: Exodus 17 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Exodus | Exodus 17 “The Rock of our Salvation” 1. The people are in need of water (v.1-4)…
Bible Text: Exodus 16 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Exodus | Exodus 16 “Heavenly Provision” 1. Hunger in the wilderness (v.1-5) 2. Complaining against God (v.6-12) 3.…
Bible Text: Exodus 15 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Exodus | Exodus 15 “Victory Songs and Miracles” 1. The Song of Moses (v.1-18) 2. The Song of…
Bible Text: Exodus 14 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Exodus | Exodus 14 “The Red Sea Crossing” 1. Across the wilderness towards the Sea (v.1-9) 2. The…
Bible Text: Mark 15:42 - 16:15 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Topical: Easter Sunday | Mark 15:42 - 16:15 “He Is Risen” 1. Jesus gets buried in the tomb…
Bible Text: Exodus 13 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Exodus | Exodus 13 “Final Instructions Before Leaving Egypt” 1. The firstborn dedication to God (v.1-2) 2. The…
Bible Text: Exodus 12:14 – 51 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Exodus | Exodus 12:14 – 51 “The Exodus Out of Egypt” 1. The Feast of Unleavened…
Bible Text: Exodus 11:1 – 12:13 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Exodus | Exodus 11:1 – 12:13 “Death Announced and Provision of the Lamb” 1. Israel greatly…
Bible Text: Exodus 10 | Speaker: Tim Molter | Series: Book of Exodus | Exodus 10 "Crops Destroyed and Darkness Divides" 1. Miracles for future generations to know (v.1-2) 2.…