July 26, 2020

Genesis 49 “Jacobs Last Words”

Passage: Genesis 49

Genesis 49 “Jacobs Last Words”
1. The 12 Tribes in the last days (v.1-2)
- Reuben = Unstable and will not excel (v.3-4)
- Simeon and Levi = Angry hearts divide (v.5-7)
- Judah = Repentance leads to restoration (v.8-12)
- Zebulun: Faithfulness finds refuge (v.13)
- Issachar: Strong as donkey, yet fearful (v.14-15)
- Dan: Ignoring God leads to Idolatry (v.16-18)
- Gad: In God’s Army we win (v.19)
- Asher: Blessed to be a blessing (v.20)
- Naphtali: Good to give God’s words (v.21)
- Joseph: Abiding in God leads to fruitfulness (v.22-26)
- Benjamin: zeal without knowledge will kill (v.27)
2. The request to be buried in the promise land (v.28-33)
