Book: One Heartbeat Away (Your Journey Into Eternity) by Mark Cahill

OneHeartbeatAwayThis book is based on actual conversations with lost people, and will help you anticipate their questions and objections. Why have atheists, agnostics, Muslims, Catholics, prisoners, and soldiers all read One Heartbeat Away and become born again? As best-selling author Mark Cahill suggests, because once you know the truth about the Bible, creation vs. evolution, heaven and hell, sin, and the cross, there is only one logical decision to make. The truth does set you free! Get this book into the hands of family, friends, and strangers and watch the Holy Spirit work wonders in their lives.

This book provides answers to that question as well as to the following:

Can you prove there is a God?
Doesn’t evolution disprove the existence of God?
Can you prove the Bible true?
What is out there after I die?

All of this information is laid out in a reader-friendly style, and even though this book is written to address the issues of sharing truth with the non-believer, it is also good for those of you who want to be armed with answers to the questions you know you’re going to get when you are out there sharing and witnessing. You can now have the ammunition to answer their questions, with strong evidence and clear conclusions. Enjoy reading and sharing it with others!

If you are sincerely seeking and searching for the truth about life, you can get this book for free:

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Book: One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven by Mark Cahill

Are you ready for eternity? If so, are you helping others get ready for the journey into eternity that each of us must take? As believers, we all know we should tell others about the Lord, but we often don’t know how. This practical book gives you great ideas for starting conversations, examples of witnessing situations, and the answers to common questions to help encourage, challenge, and equip you to reach both friends and strangers for Jesus the rest of your life!

Learn to overcome common misconceptions about sharing your faith, how to turn every conversation with the lost into a winning situation, the value of using tracts, follow-up questions that get people thinking about eternity, and the four deadly questions that will have even the toughest skeptic thinking.

Equip yourself with great conversation starters. Learn the value of using the Ten Commandments to warn the lost of their standing before God. Then lead them right to Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross for their sins.

God is looking for men and women who are willing to step out of their comfort zone and into the most blessed life of faith a Christian can ever hope to have. Give God the best “thank you” for your salvation by reaching the lost souls around you with the promise of eternal life!  Incredible divine appointments await all those who do!

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