Book: Life@Work (Marketplace Success for People of Faith) by John C. Maxwell

Authors John C. Maxwell, Stephen Graves, and Thomas Addington identify the basic tools followers of Jesus should always have in their work toolbox: Calling, Serving, Character, and Skill.

The conventional wisdom of leadership sees character as a muscle of leadership. In truth, character is a muscle of the heart. Our culture is enamored with leadership when it should be enamored with character.

The lines of our behavior draw picture of our character. Behavior and character are related, but they’re not the same. Behavior is what we do. Character is the person our behavior has made us into. Behavior is just one action. Any behavior, duplicated and reduplicated, forms a part of our character. Character is a fruit of the heart.

If characters is what counts most, then it is critical that we build and protect a strong pure heart. As the book of Proverbs says “as the heart goes, so we go.” The heart is where character is forged. After God gives us a new heart, it is up to us to water and nurture it.

This book helps readers learn how to better integrate faith and work and why it is crucial that we do so.

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Book: Leading Jesus’ Way (Become The Servant Leader God Created You To Be) by Mark Deterding

Jesus is the greatest leadership role model of all time. And anyone desiring to be a successful servant leader would be wise to follow in His footsteps. Yet learning how to lead others can be a daunting and difficult task, even in the workplace. In the book “Leading Jesus’ Way” author Mark Deterding shows that living out Biblical principles effects both our personal and professional life.

That’s right, you don’t have to live a segmented life. Being a Christian is the core of who you are – at work, at home, at church, and out in your community. This book will help you learn the principles of faith-based servant leadership and put them into practice. But the truth is the principles are really timeless, because they come from Jesus, the ultimate model of servant leadership.

Once you know your purpose, values, and vision you can serve and live out that mission wherever you go. And once the foundation is established, you can then focus on building energy, performance, relationships, and your own character. If you’re ready to take your faith to work, get great results, and build up the people you work with by really caring for them then this book is for you.

More info on Servant Leadership at:

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“Whatever we do, we work at it with all our heart…It is the Lord Jesus that we are serving” – Colossians 3:23-24

Book: Dynamic Spiritual Leadership (Leading Like Paul) by J. Oswald Sanders

Do you aspire to be a spiritual leader? The need for talented, vigorous leaders in the church cannot be overemphasized. In this study of Paul’s life, J. Oswald Sanders highlights the qualities that made Paul the great leader he was: his pioneering spirit, his powerful communication skills, his life of fervent prayer, his wholehearted devotion to Jesus Christ, and his exalted view of God. Let this proven classic be your guide for leadership, and watch how God works through you to do great things for His glory.

Dr. John Oswald Sanders left a promising law practice in his native New Zealand to serve as an instructor and administrator at the Bible College of New Zealand. Later he become general director of Overseas Missionary Fellowship (then known as China Inland Mission) in the 1950s and 1960s, and he was instrumental in beginning many new missions projects throughout East Asia. J. Oswald Sanders not only wrote about leadership but he lived it out.

In this study of Paul’s life we find an inspiring example of what one person, wholly surrendered to God and committed to God’s people, can achieve by simply following Jesus Christ. And even though Paul was merely human, he was a leader with weaknesses just like ours. Paul’s triumphs, as well as his failures, provide valuable lessons in overcoming any obstacle in ministry as we desire to serve Jesus Christ. This book is a great read about what qualities make a great leader and you’ll also find your vocabulary grow too!

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Book: The Making of a Man of God (Lessons from the Life of David) by Alan Redpath


In this Christian classic, Alan Redpath blends insights from the life of David from 1st and 2nd Samuel, 1st Chronicles, and Psalms to demonstrate how God shapes those who are responsive to his love. David was a shepherd and a king, a soldier and a poet, a sinner and a saint. He was also a man after God’s own heart.

Alan Redpath shows how through the life of David the conversion of a soul is the miracle of a moment, but the making of a saint is the task of a lifetime. You will see this truth most clearly as you learn about the turbulent and triumphant times in the life of the shepherd-king David. And despite his faults, great and small, David became a man who wondrously understood and reflected the mind of a perfect God.

I believe that both men and women will find themselves identifying with David’s struggles and triumphs, and that this book will give you a glimpse of how God is continually shaping you for His glory as well as He did for David.

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